The focus during this meeting is to help you understand how to correctly fill-out your preliminary income declaration (Forskudsopgørelse) or make changes in your annual tax return (Årsopgørelse) as well as identify if you could have used some deductions in the previous years (2023, 2022 and so on) and the steps to follow upon getting those deductions;
Deductions you could be entitled for are:
- Deductions for gifts and contributions to charities
- Trade union contributions (Fagforening og A-kasse)
- Own contribution to pension schemes (Pensionsfradrag)
- Travel allowance between home and work (Kørselsfradrag)
- Craftsman and service deductions (Håndværkerfradrag og servicefradrag)
- Deductions on interest rates on bank loans, mortgages & others (Renteudgifter)
- Deduction for foreign students or business apprentice in Denmark (fradrag som udenlandsk studerende)
Besides review of preliminary or annual tax card, I help with:
- Obtaining a residence permit (filling out all documents, book time at SIRI)
- Obtain first time a tax card (fill out of required form)
- Help you obtain a bank account (private or business)
- Handle debt cases and make installment payment agreements